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Sebelumnya, silahkan download Sencha Touch SDK dan Sencha Cmd. Untuk Sencha Cmd, saya download yang versi linux (SenchaCmd-
Install Sencha Touch SDK
Untuk meng-install Sencha Touch SDK, cukup hanya dengan melakukan extract file yang anda download.
Install Sencha Cmd
1) Extract file SenchaCmd-
2) Jalankan command berikut, untuk mengubah file menjadi executable
$ chmod +x SenchaCmd-
3) Jalankan command berikut, untuk memulai instalasi
$ ./SenchaCmd-
4) Lalu akan muncul dialog Setup – Sencha Cmd. Klik Next.
5) Lalu akan muncul dialog License Agreement. Klik I accept the agreement, lalu klik Next.
6) Lalu akan muncul dialog Installation Directory. Pada Installation Directory biarkan terisi default, lalu klik Next.
7) Lalu akan muncul dialog Ready to Install. Klik Next.
8) Lalu akan muncul dialog Installing. Proses install sedang berjalan
9) Setelah proses install selesai, akan muncul dialog Completing the Sencha Cmd Setup Wizard. Klik Finish
10) Untuk menguji, apakah proses instal Sencha Cmd telah berhasil atau belum, buka terminal lalu jalankan command berikut
$ sencha
jika muncul output sebagai berikut, berarti proses instal telah berhasil
Sencha Cmd v3.1.2.342
Sencha Cmd provides several categories of commands and some global switches. In
most cases, the first step is to generate an application based on a Sencha SDK
such as Ext JS or Sencha Touch:
sencha -sdk /path/to/sdk generate app MyApp /path/to/myapp
Sencha Cmd supports Ext JS 4.1.1a and higher and Sencha Touch 2.1 and higher.
To get help on commands use the help command:
sencha help generate app
For more information on using Sencha Cmd, consult the guides found here:
* --cwd, -cw - Sets the directory from which commands should execute
* --debug, -d - Sets log level to higher verbosity
* --nologo, -n - Suppress the initial Sencha Cmd version display
* --plain, -pl - enables plain logging output (no highlighting)
* --quiet, -q - Sets log level to warnings and errors only
* --sdk-path, -s - The location of the SDK to use for non-app commands
* --time, -ti - Display the execution time after executing all commands
* app - Perform various application build processes
* compass - Wraps execution of compass for sass compilation
* compile - Compile sources to produce concatenated output and metadata
* fs - Utility commands to work with files
* generate - Generates models, controllers, etc. or an entire application
* io - Create, deploy and manage applications on the Sencha.io cloud platform
* iofs - Manage Files stored in the Sencha.io cloud platform
* manifest - Extract class metadata
* package - Manages local and remote packages
* repository - Manage local repository and remote repository connections
* theme - Commands for low-level operations on themes
* ant - Invoke Ant with helpful properties back to Sencha Cmd
* build - Builds a project from a legacy JSB3 file.
* config - Load a properties file or sets a configuration property
* help - Displays help for commands
* js - Executes arbitrary JavaScript file(s)
* upgrade - Upgrades Sencha Cmd
* which - Displays the path to the current version of Sencha Cmd